Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Live Out Love.

Hey you guys,

All my favorite stuff is all smooshed up today. Worlds collide! Ready? Art + Style + Adoption = :)

Kal Barteski is one my art heroes and she SO kindly designed these awesome Live Out Love T-shirts as an adoption fundraiser for the Sanford family. I got mine and oh, I love them. Here's me and the Abster sporting ours.

Want one? You can get your own here.

And as your personal shopping consultant, let me also recommend another way to spend your money (after you donate to the Jensen family, of course).

Say hello to Rahel, the cute little Ethiopian Heart for Heart doll. You can find her at Target,of all places. But wrap your head around this... each purchase benefits her country through aid from World Vision! How cool is that?! So happy shopping today!

1 comment:

  1. Kal is my favorite!!! She donated items to our online auction for adoption.....I only had to stalk her for three years :) JK...sorta. LOVE Her.
