Friday, March 15, 2013

Off to Rwanda...see you soon!

I'm out! Off to Rwanda on a vision trip with Africa New Life! (check them out, they're awesome) I'll be gone for 10 days! Don't worry about this lil' old blog, it's once again in great hands with our very own Beth Cupitt stepping back in! Yay Beth! You're in for a treat guys, there's some great posts coming.  I can't wait to share with you all about my trip! Ps, it's my first time traveling to Africa..pointers from any seasoned veterans?


  1. Steph,

    You will love Rwanda! Beautiful people, beautiful place.

    Where will you be? I went on a mission trip to the Butare area in 2009. I tried to get my husband to pick up our kids and just move there...I didn't want to leave!

  2. Travel safe!!! I cannot wait to hear about your trip!!
