Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Adoption and Nesting

Do you guys feel like you went through a "nesting" phase during your adoption? I've heard about nesting while pregnant, maybe around the 7/8 month? But I'm convinced that you nest while you're paper pregnant as well. Just me? I sure hope not. I've never experienced the "pregnancy nesting" so I'm not sure if the nesting I'm experiencing compares at all, but I'll share it with you anyway, maybe some can relate. 

So, we've been in the waiting phase 9 months now...9. So like, if I was physically pregnant I'd be ready to pop. Anyway, this odd urgency of needing to get things organized and cleaned hit me hard this weekend. I tore up our file cabinet and totally re organized it, why? I have no clue, no one besides me sees it but I felt like I needed to do it, so I did. I'm currently in the process of trying to figure out how to organize my kitchen..why? No clue just that "sense" of needing to do it I guess.  A friend of mine told me that moms to be nest because they know there's going to be change coming and the need to have everything "ready" when the change comes is important. But you guys, adoption is so unknown..I could be nesting forever I feel like! I don't know how much more organizing my house can take (I also organized my car...this is scary) but I suppose with nesting comes fun things like getting a room ready..which we also kinda started! That part of nesting is fun, I love searching Pinterest for ridiculously overpriced furniture and dream of what our little ones room could look like if I had a zillion dollars. 

These are rooms I'm currently drooling over...

Do you think it's weird to have a tree inside? I think it's kinda fun!

See that wiener dog under the bed?? We have a wiener dog so I think we need that toy for sure

And this might be a little on the girlie side, and we're requesting a boy but still, this room? So sweet!

So all you mama's who have your little ones home...please tell me you went through a nesting phase and that I'm normal! :)


  1. I did some major nesting too! It's great to actually be motivated to clean and organize EVERY square inch of your house-which I did! It's better than just sitting around waiting, watiting, waiting for important emails!

  2. You are normal! The day we started the adoption process is the day I started nesting! I know so many adopters hold off because the fear of the unknown, but I didn't care! I knew eventually a babe would be added to our family & nesting was the only thing that made our future son/daughter seem real to me! We had a baby shower and everything before we were matched! And it was just in time....our baby was born two weeks later! Nest away, momma! And keep us updated!

  3. I think I am nesting worse with the adopted kiddos than I did with my bio. Although we have been at this process for so long it is only nautural that I "nest" more than once for them. I go in and out of the nesting phase. My nesting is more of a crazy cleaning mode so my house has been spotless for a while now:)

  4. Regarding the tree....you can do a family tree with it....put names of your family and birth family as the leaves (or birth family in the roots but that would be hard since that would be on the floor). I saw that somewhere...not related to one on the wall, but you could!

  5. Oh. my. word. So normal! And get everything done that you can now, because life does change! (and I so remember how it feels not having a "due date"-HARD.)

  6. We are waiting too. Nesting too! We painted the baby's room last weekend. My husband shows it off to everyone that comes to the house. I don't know if that is wise or not, because it could be 8-12 months before we are matched. OH well!! We try to keep our hearts in check while nesting. I have my husband set to paint another room next weekend! Organizing!!!

    My husband is ready to buy baby furniture, but I think its a bit too soon!

  7. Oh Stephanie, you are so so normal. I was nesting so bad the last few months before E came home. It's so hard when you have no idea when your child will be coming home. But one things for sure... with all of this nesting your home will be ready! I love all of the pictures that you posted!

  8. I am totally cracking up, you were right, we wrote the same blog post on the same day! Althought, I may have to lay off my natural diet/energy pills as your post was much wittier :)

    I am the same way with pinterst too. I made this board called "boys bedroom" or something generic like that- I should have called it "way over-priced glamorized pottery barn furniture with a dash of my very own interior designer who shops in SOHO boy bedroom".

    Glad I am not on this adoption journey alone!

  9. um, yeah. This adoption has taken so long that I've gone through several nesting phases. The last one almost killed me. I couldn't stop! :) I'm in the middle of another one right now. My living room is completely torn apart, new shelves are assembled and 1/2 filled and I'm contemplating moving two large pieces of furniture (which means emptying them first, moving them, deciding if I like them and then hopefully not moving them back). I'm exhausted but I can't stop. I'm about to dump my hall closet and completely redo the area under my sink. Might tackle the pantry too. :) Nest on, sister!

  10. you are not alone!!! i love nesting ;) i was doing so much of it preparing for camp + asher! nest on girlfriend!
