Wednesday, November 23, 2011

3 Ways to Pray

Turns out I just love this 3 Ways to Pray thing. Let's just take a breather in the middle of our week here and pray for the Leos family. Here's what's on Rachel's mind:

1. That our children are safe, loved and protected physically and emotionally. That they would have a peace beyond all understanding as they also wait for us, as in order to be adopted, they will have to suffer a tremendous loss that they will likely not be able to comprehend – pray that God would use that loss for His glory and their joy as He promises to us through scripture.

2. For the process itself. We hit an unexpected snag last week. Although I can't share the details publicly and we are moving forward albeit some changes to our original desires, it was a great reminder to us that God is in control (after I had a slight freak out), and we constantly must put this journey, our lives and our children on the Cross. Pray that we rely on God during this time, that we are able to trust in His provision during this process. 

3. For our hearts. We are so excited to meet our kids and cannot wait to be parents, so the waiting is hard. Unexpected changes and lack of control over the process, which, although we know is ultimately controlled by our Father, is still hard. Pray for our hearts during the wait, that we will always remember Christ's love for us and our children and His sovereign plan over every detail. That we would rest in the peace that He will not be surprised as as the process unfolds, and that He is good in all things.

Turns out that there is strength in numbers regarding prayer. So many times we casually toss out an "I'll pray for you", but let's just freeze in our tracks and really do it. It means the world to this family and it moves the Heavens on their behalf. That's pretty darn powerful.

I know tomorrow's Thanksgiving, but finish up your casseroles and everything and meet me back here tomorrow. Mama Rachel is passing on her recipe for cranberry pistachio shortbread cookies and we can just kick off Christmas as soon as your last piece of pumpkin pie is polished off. Have a good one.


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