Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Book Review and Giveaway

Hey y'all. So, Jen Hatmaker's new book, Seven: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess is out. I read it in about 2 days. Very good, and as always, huh-larious. Like, laughing out loud, shaking the bed laughing. It shines a light on just how much we consume (food, clothes, trash, media, etc). She goes on a month long fast from seven areas of excess. For example, in month 1, food month, she only eats seven foods. And I don't mean Mexican food as one. I'm talking seven ingredients. This one seemed pretty hard, but in the end, most of the world doesn't have the luxury of seven ingredients. It was a real eye opener in how much we have (and still continue to want). It was refreshing and educational. It shows one woman's way out of the craziness and I really appreciate that. I think we're all sort of there, don't you?

By far, my favorite chapter was about stress. This one really speaks to me. I'm a simple housewife/blogger chick. That should not completely unglue me, but it does most days. So I needed this chapter. Jen cited a book, Seven Sacred Pauses: Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day. You guys, this one has changed my life in 24 hours! It's a book that teaches an ancient practice of praying at specific times for specific things. It's a gorgeous concept and has kept me completely centered for a solid day. That's a victory, folks. Pardon my new use of the words 'centered' and 'gratitude' and "mindful". I might sound all Buddha, but whatever. I promise that you will not be led down a freaky hippy path or anything. This book is written by a Christian nun named Macrina Wiederkehr and guides you through the prayers of the hours. It all comes so naturally and is perfectly timed with the natural rythm of your day. For example, in the morning there is a prayer for joy and gratitude of a new day. There are Psalms that you read with each one. It's so nice and not stressy and so welcome in my life. Incorporating more prayer into my life is one of my resolutions this year, but such a vague one, right? Well, this book is spot on for setting easy steps for making sure it happens.

So, ladies, how about a giveaway? Both of these books will go to one random commenter. Just tell me one thing... what do you feel like you have enough of? Is there anything in your life that you feel like scaling back on? Just leave a comment and I'll pick a winner on Saturday morning.

*UPDATE* This one is closed. Michelle Cain, you are the winner!


  1. I have this book on my wish list! I just finished Interrupted. It was so good!

    One thing I have enough of is just stuff. Too many clothes, too many shoes, too many accessories, too many things in my house. Enough has become too much. After spending time in Ethiopia and then coming home to my "stuff' I felt like I was suffocating. I for sure have "enough". :)

  2. Love this!!!! Must get rid of useless stuff. Enough saving old decorations and candles and junk. Time to take it away. Time to face up to the fact that I am not going to use it. Stop saving crap. The end.

  3. I have been saving all the clothes my children have ever worn. They are serisously taking up all the storage space in our attic. TOO MUCH STUFF! its all just stuff .... I am learning what really matters and what I really want in out home !

  4. Thank you so much for these book suggestions! I am so on board with the idea of scaling back...I had made a decision that 2012 would be the year of "less." I have enough clothes, toys and "stuff" in my house to last a lifetime. I am toying with the idea of not buying ANY clothes (for myself) in 2012...a whole year...not sure I can do it, but I just might try.

  5. For me, it's toys and clothes for my children. I usually go through their stuff twice a year and we give away some amazing stuff (and some junk, too), but my work schedule has been so hectic that I haven't been able to go through anything. It makes me sad to imagine so many people with so few things and here I am too lazy to go through the toy room. I don't believe in resolutions - I'm kind of a change whatever needs to be changed when it needs to be changed kind of girl, but maybe resolutions are for busy people and I need to readjust! :)

  6. What a wonderful giveaway! I've been thinking quite a bit about how much we have lately. How blessed we are by each other, family togetherness, and this adoption journey. This year, I've found it hard to spend money on things like clothing when I know that we will be bringing a child into our family who doesn't even have enough food to eat, whose life story begins with not having enough of all the things we take for granted, none of them material. I know for me, this path we're taking, has forced me to reevaluate, to think twice, to open up to the possibilities. What an unexpected gift this has been.

  7. While I do have plenty "things" to get rid of (like the clothes from high school that I keep swearing I will fit into again ... these, clearly, can go!) I also have "enough" self induced stress. I need to let go of things that burden me, like the anger towards things that happened years ago. I have enough daily stress that I need to let go of the old stress ... along with the high school mini skirts!

  8. Oh wow!! I hope I win!! haha

    Our thing is just STUFF... the attic, garage, closets... I need to purge them all. We just have too much access.

  9. Oh there is so much!!! From physical stuff, to worries, to pounds to trying to control what I have no control of....both of these books sound great! :)

  10. I have enough clothes. Enough furniture. Enough food. Enough beauty products. Enough books. Wait . . . you only wanted one example? Oops! :)

  11. Oh my... how to pick just one! I'd say clothes.. more than enough clothes. Time to purge and scale back for sure.

  12. These sound like great books! If I have to pick just one thing to reduce, it has to be my spending. I've been working on that one for the past two months, and am having a hard time. I definitely need to scale back my "oh, but I really want/need such & such" thoughts & replace with "oh, but they really need..." and "oh, but I really need to pay off..." thoughts & actions.

  13. oh, this sounds like a wonderful book! i hope i win. enough? i have enough comfort. i think we all forgot how comfortably we live. how much we have. i've been reading "at home" by bill bryson lately, in which he talks about the history of each room in the home over the last 300 or so years. it's amazing how comfortable and easy our lives are, and how much we do (how much I do!) to complicate them.

  14. I'm scaling back on my book stash, and am determined to use up my fabric for charitable projects. Also having fun replacing as much plastic as I can with glass. The "Seven" book rings true with me, would love to read it!

  15. Beth, To start, this is off-subject, but I've been meaning to send u a note to let u know what a blessing it is to get your emails every week. I'm always looking forward to them! Always so touching, informative, funny! As u do, I love Ethiopia and we're praying to adopt from there SOON and possibly go on a short term mission trip.
    Now, back on subject! I'd have to say things that I have enough of is....everything! I'm always mindful of all we're blessed with -- food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, electricity, transportation. We talk about this with our kids often. Not to take things for granted and to not live in excess.
    Thank you for all you do with your blog, Beth. I can't even remember how I found it but I know it wasn't an accident!
    God bless, Jenni Clark

  16. Thanks for the sweet words, Jenni! I hope you get to go soon. Maybe this is our year!

  17. I couldn't agree more with what everyone has said...too much stuff! I recently moved and am in the process of going through everything. Some things that belonged to my children, now grown, are being given back to them...they are their things and they can decide if they want them or not. I can't make that decision for them. I'm donating some things, taking some things to consignment stores, and giving other things away through Craigslist, etc. The things I'm keeping are things that I'll use and/or have a special sentitmental value. It is taking a lot of time but it feels freeing to do this. Much better than sticking some things in a box or bag and putting them out of sight. I also like the idea of limiting some of the foods I eat. I have some issues with my stomach and can't eat some things anyway. But, choosing foods that are healthy and I can tolerate sounds good. Not feeling a need to have so many additional foods that aren't necessarily healthy and just add more calories for no purpose other than they taste good at the moment is something I can eliminate. And, looking at it from this standpoint gives me a motivation to follow through that otherwise I might not do. I am anixous to read the chapter about stress...and ways to eliminate that from my life. Oh, I just realized you only wanted one thing! :) There are so many things I can and will eliminate from my life. You have given me the motivation I need today to really get going. As always, thank you so very much!! God bless.

  18. sometimes we think of what we don't have but then I think of how much I do have.
    God's grace is enough!

  19. We're currently living in Zambia, Africa and I have been challenged to evaluate how we spend our grocery money. It's been a challenge to think about what we really NEED for food and how we can reduce the amount we consume (decreasing amount of meat, snacks, etc.) as many people around us don't have these things regularly.

  20. Scaling back on junk. It seems to collect like crazy! Maybe also time in front of the computer :)

  21. I've have a habit of holding on to things I might possibly use in the further...clothes that might fit someday, scraps of paper from other projects, odd fabric pieces, and other random unecessary items. Usually these items just fill up my drawers and closets without me ever returning to them. I need to de-clutter :)
    This book sounds delightful!!
