Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ideas for Caring for the Orphan

Good morning Give1 family! I was thinking this morning about all of you who read this blog. Chances are you have a heart for the orphan and disadvantaged, taking James 1:27 to heart, “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” but I am assuming not all of you can adopt in your current life stage. I thought I would share a few different ways you can get involved in helping the very people James was talking about.

Sponsor a child – child sponsorship works out to a little over a dollar a day and can drastically change a child’s life (and that of their family as well), you get the benefit of receiving letters from them throughout the  year and often the possibility of visiting them if you want. Plus, there are some Christian organizations that are committed to sharing the Gospel with the children in their programs (side note: just because an organization says they’re a Christian organization doesn’t mean they’re spreading the Gospel). Some great organizations are: Compassion/Compassion Canada, Children’s Hope Chest, and Gospel for Asia.

Foster a child – every state/province that I’ve ever heard fostering stats from has always had a great need for foster parents, and you usually get to choose your range of acceptance as well as if you want to provide emergency, short-term or long-term care.

Volunteer at church – many churches (especially those in inner-cities) have programs for the children in the area. Some of the children may be orphaned, fostered, or possibly just from troubled homes and would love some positive, stable adults in their life.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters – another good way to volunteer with children who need a mentor in their life (you can usually just Google Big Brothers and your city name and you’ll be directed to the website for your area).

There are so many other ideas . . . help out or organize a Vacation Bible School (VBS) in your area, volunteer at a local shelter, check out to see if local schools need help with before and after school programs, volunteer to baby-sit for a family who has just adopted, the possibilities are endless.

Do you have any ideas for caring for the orphan and disadvantaged? I would love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. There are also inner city ministries that are starved for After School Program volunteers! That would be a great way to help! The new movie, Unconditional, shows how that can have a huge impact in the lives of kids. Once the movie comes out, they will have a resource on their website to help people find ministries in your town to call about volunteering.
