Tuesday, October 30, 2012

But Wait, There's More...

{My first go at Embrace the Camera. Well, let your husband Embrace the Camera and hope for the best.}

Good morning, guys. This is a totally random post. Kind of. See it's totally relevant to adopting (and also not). I don't know if you've had kids before or not. I'm learning how there are actually way more similarities than differences between adoption and the old fashioned way. And today I'm going to highlight one of those...

After you have a baby you lose your mind just a little. First you are in love and you stare and play with your little one all the time. For like a week. And then the sleep deprivation kicks in and you get emotional. Overwhelmed and exhausted might be theme words for this phase.

Following this is the 'breaking out' phase. This is where the drastic haircut usually takes place (though I fought the urge and was talked down by my stylist this time and merely went for bad-idea bangs. Far less damage done in the end). But anyhoo, this is where I am right now. The 'there's  more to me than babies' place. There's more to me than adoption, actually. And I just need to throw it out there, so here we go.


  • Baking
  • Painting
  • Chardonnay
  • Target
  • Fall clothes
  • Photography (did you know I was once a very successful boudoir photographer, and I still miss it sometimes? I was awesome.)
  • Christmas
  • Crafts
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Businesses of all kinds
  • Fredericksburg, TX


  • I want to bake but I should diet.
  • I want to shop but I should budget.
  • I think high heels are so cool, but I can't wear them. My shoes are mostly frumpy and ugly and that's the truth.
  • When I drink the chardonnay I suddenly think I'm skinny and that maybe I could do with some cream cheese laden snack.
  • I obsess over Christmas, but always find myself last minute shopping and wrapping til midnight on Christmas eve. How did this happen when I started playing Christmas music in September?! I don't know. 
  • I want to move to Fredericksburg, but I have no idea how people make a living there. Still working on that one every day. Anyone want to buy a painting? I could move to the Burg and paint you a picture while sipping on chardonnay...
Anyway, as you can see I'm in the throws of my breaking out phase. Soon I'll emerge a glittering butterfly, confident in myself and my parenting abilities and somehow merge my self as an individual with myself as a mom. Probably in a few more weeks. You'll be there too soon. I might laugh at you a little (as you are free to do to me right now). It's a comical phase. 

Now, ladies, I'm breaking out a bit. The adoption is complete, and now I'm moving right along to the business of leading my family, which means alot more crafts and life in general. You might like that and you might not. If you do, let's move that particular party on over to my personal blog, Artistic Domestic. You might want to follow it by email because I'm not super regular on that one. Just sporadic for kicks. If you totally do not care what's going on in my house, that's cool! Hang with me here and we're going to be back to your regularly scheduled programming. See you tomorrow for some African crisis relief.

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